The Typed OM is an extension to the existing CSS Object Model (CSSOM) that exposes CSS values as typed JavaScript objects, instead of a simple strings like they are today. Trying to convert strings in to meaningful types and back today can have a big performance overhead, so this will allow us to work with CSS values in a much more performant way

With the Typed OM, CSS values are now members of a new base class, CSSStyleValue. There are a number of subclasses of the CSSStyleValue that more precisely describe a type of CSS Value:

CSS Keywords and other identifiers (like inherit or grid)
Position (x and y) values
An object representing the value properties for an image
Numeric values that can be expressed as a single value with single unit (like 50px) or a single value or percentage without a unit
Complicated numeric values, like you would find with calc, min, and max. This includes subclasses CSSMathSum, CSSMathProduct, CSSMathMin, CSSMathMax, CSSMathNegate, and CSSMathInvert
A list of CSS transforms consisting of CSSTransformComponents, including CSSTranslate, CSSRotate, CSSScale, CSSSkew, CSSSkewX, CSSSkewY, CSSPerspective, and/or CSSMatrixComponent

Getting and Setting Typed OM Values

There are two primary methods on elements for working with the Typed OM: attributeStyleMap for getting and setting typed inline styles, and computedStyleMap for getting an element's full Typed OM styles.. Let's look at some examples (we'll be using $() as shorthand for document.querySelector()):

attributeStyleMap Get and Set

When setting values, there are an array of number functions for working with values (other than keyword values)

myElement.attributeStyleMap.set('font-size', CSS.em(2));
myElement.attributeStyleMap.get('font-size'); // CSSUnitValue { value: 2, unit: 'em' }

myElement.attributeStyleMap.set('opacity', CSS.number(.5));
myElement.attributeStyleMap.get('opacity'); // CSSUnitValue { value: 0.5, unit: 'number' };

computedStyleMap Output

Sample CSS

.foo {
  background-position: center bottom 10px;
  transform: translateX(1em) rotate(50deg) skewX(10deg);
  vertical-align: baseline;
  width: calc(100% - 3em);

Sample JavaScript

const cs = $('.foo').computedStyleMap();

// CSSKeywordValue {
//  value: 'baseline',
// }

// CSSUnitValue {
//   value: 50,
//   unit: 'percent',
// }

// CSSMathSum {
//   operator: 'sum',
//   values: CSSNumericArray {
//     0: CSSUnitValue { value: -10, unit: 'px' },
//     1: CSSUnitValue { value: 100, unit: 'percent' },
//   },
// }

// CSSMathSum {
//   operator: 'sum',
//   length: 2,
//   values: CSSNumericArray {
//     0: CSSUnitValue { value: -90, unit: 'px' },
//     1: CSSUnitValue { value: 100, unit: 'percent' },
//   },
// }

// CSSTransformValue {
//   is2d: true,
//   length: 3,
//   0: CSSTranslate {
//     is2d: true,
//     x: CSSUnitValue { value: 20, unit: 'px' },
//     y: CSSUnitValue { value: 0, unit: 'px' },
//     z: CSSUnitValue { value: 0, unit: 'px' },
//   },
//   1: CSSRotate {
//     is2d: true,
//     angle: CSSUnitValue { value: 50, unit: 'deg' },
//     x: CSSUnitValue { value: 0, unit: 'number' },
//     y: CSSUnitValue { value: 0, unit: 'number' },
//     z: CSSUnitValue { value: 1, unit: 'number' },
//   },
//   2: CSSSkewX {
//     is2d: true,
//     ax: CSSUnitValue { value: 10, unit: 'deg' },
//   },
// }